On behalf of the SCAPN symposium co-chairs & team, I would like to formally invite you to the SCAPN Symposium on transition on Tuesday August 15th during the NIH Annual Meeting.
The agenda is as follows:
SCAPN Reception
Monday evening, August 14th
The Bethesdan Hotel @ 5:30pm
Please RSVP if you can attend so we can plan for food for the reception.
Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 @ the NIH
Co-Chairs: Dr Payal Desai & Dr Elna Saah NIH Natcher Building, 45 Center drive, Building 45, Bethesda, MD 20894
The Issues Around Transition Presenters: Patience White, MD, Peggy McManus, and Jennifer Cornette
Practical Implementation Standard of Care in Transition Presenter: Elna Saah, MD
TRIAD Fishbowl
Engagement discussion between pediatric/adults/CBO: Barriers to Building a Successful Transition TRIAD
Facilitator: Raymona Lawrence, DrPH, MPH Presenters: India Sisler, MD; Jane Hankins, MD; Wanda Whitten-Shurney, MD
Warrior Fishbowl (Lunch will be Provided)
Patient/family panelist to discuss Transition Opportunities
Facilitator: Raymona Lawrence, DrPH, MPH Presenters: Michelle Harlan, Nana Bilkisu Habib, Ugonna Anyadike, Ayesha Habib
I would especially like to thank our speakers and the patient panelists for accepting the invitation to present at the symposium. If you can attend in person (or virtually), please join us for this interactive session.
We hope you will attend and look forward to seeing you soon.
We thank you sponsors Novo Nordisk and Emmaus for their support
Payal Desai, MD